This project is based upon multidimensional processes of mutations, it is the process which touches every living or non-living body. It is related to actions and also with inoperative phenomenon. Turning into a fossil, is not a result of an action of a living body, but still there is a natural mutation happens in that dead body against natural self- decomposition behavior. Both animate and inanimate or everything or whatever is going on, it is inside a phenomenon. Like universal big bang is also considered as a phenomenon. Phenomenon invites mutations. So I want to create with each aspect of this. Currently my areas of keen interest are social, environmental and humanitarian issues. I’ve sorted out these two types by juxtaposing various periods of origin, achieved in whole human history and contemporary, which are mentioned below:
. Mutations by Mother Nature: Necessary for Sustaining Life on Earth.
. Natural and Social Mutations: Arising from Human Activities.
On Earth, nature sustains life through two fundamental processes: adaptation and fusion. These processes are
crucial because they embody both creation and destruction, making them deliberate rather than accidental. In my perspective, no natural process or phenomenon is inherently as destructive as it is often perceived. Instead, it is human recklessness—and sometimes our pride in modernity—that disrupts nature’s course, leading to dire consequences. We must also acknowledge that without meteorite rains millions of years ago, life as we know it would not exist. These ‘destructive’ events were, in fact, essential for the formation of life. Nature’s mutations, though sometimes challenging, are purposeful and integral to the Earth’s life cycle.
Human actions have imposed unnatural mutations on nature, leading to a distorted ecological system. The
relentless advancement of human lifestyles has desensitized many to the harm caused to natural processes. During colonial times, indigenous tribes living in forests faced epidemics and diseases introduced by urban settlers. At the same time, flora and fauna were ruthlessly exploited, driving many species to extinction. These forests, which were vital to maintaining ecological balance, were taken over, alienating the tribes who depended on them for survival.
Attempts to ‘civilize’ these communities often led to their gradual decline or extinction. Fortunately, a few tribes have managed to preserve their way of life, including the tribe on Sentinel Island in India.
Ongoing Part of Theory Writing and Artworks Production: Colonial Period and the Origin of Modern Social Inequalities
This project delves into the legacy inherited by colonized nations across generations. It examines the sustainability of the imperialistic idea of ruling over the world and how social inequalities were solidified during the colonial period. The project explores how these inequalities are intricately linked to colonial history and how they have shaped the rigid social structures we see today. How ‘social diseases’ inherited from the colonial era, emphasizing how social diversity was transformed into a tool for domination through the creation and perpetuation of social inequalities. It reveals how modern social systems have internalized these colonial characteristics, perpetuating them socially and politically even today. At its core, this project emphasizes the importance of coordination and the need to overcome the lack of sensitivity in accepting one another. It questions our roles as individuals and as groups within society: What should our priorities be? How can we decide them based on our collective sense of responsibility? Why are we in these situations? Where do the roots of these problems lie? Visual art offers a powerful medium to connect people with the foundational idea of coordination, fostering a shared understanding with minimal agreements among individuals. Through this project, I aim to highlight the critical importance of revisiting the roots of inequality.
Key points of theoretical and practical execution of the project:
. Natural Mutations and natural phenomenon
. Adaptation
. Dissolution
. Particle coordination
. Natural Mutations originated by humans
. Data science & human memory
. Effects of science on social system
. Social Mutations and colonial Period
. Migration and inheritance
. Value of an ideological heritage
. Regional identity
. Social Inequalities
Installation, Sculpture, Painting, Drawing, video.